What We Do / Services

Excelerate supports and guides students and parents to help them get accepted to their top Choice Of University.

We support to help students create profiles that stand out.

We at Excelerate are aware that parents are concerned about their kids education and future, so we help by supporting a holistic, highly effective multi year programming and one-on-one counselling. We are accessible on Zoom, Whatsapp, and Email and are there to support every single important matter that will Help you get acceptance to your Top Choice of University.

Strategic Profile Building : Our aim is to give High School and College counselling. We guide, develop and support student efforts to help them create profiles that stand out. We are equipped to provide both advisory and operational support in relation to extracurricular activities, internships, academic research, social work, online courses, school engagement, and creative projects. Which are then communicated memorably and authentically in the written application essay. 

Finding the best fit university for students to thrive academically and socially.

University Selection : Finding the best fit is a critical part of our role. Helping you find the best university & colleges where the student will thrive academically and be happy socially. Will also assist in completion of forms and clarifying doubts.

Our process helps our students reach their potential

University & College application Strategies : Our process help students get accepted to the schools that would have normally been above their current threshold of achievement.

We help in preparing students for university interviews

One-on-One Essay Brainstorming And Writing : We work with our students to make remarkable transformations from rough drafts to final essays. Helping you with brainstorming, creating a compelling narrative, and guiding the students through the writing process. 

Conduct Psychometric Test

Psychometric Test & Analysis : There are tests conducted to measure IQ, Aptitude, Personality & Interest. The reports helps the students understand their capabilities and plan the stream/subject to be taken or dropped.

We guide students how to go about it

Recommendation Letters : To guide the student how to go about it as its an important document that assesses the quality, characteristics, and capability of the student which would help them get admission to college of their choice. They are usually written by someone who worked with or taught the student such as a supervisor or teacher.

Our objective is to relieve the family and student of the stress associated with the college application process,
allowing them to focus on the things that are important to them.

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Design & Developed By : Net Linker.